Image of Del-Val 110 Fibered Roof Coating in 5 Gallon Pail
Our Basic Non-Fibered Aluminum

Del-Val 301

Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum

Non-Fibered Aluminum with Good Coverage Rate and Good Solar Reflectance.


Del-Val 301 Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum forms a durable, protective metallic shield that extends the life of asphalt and metal roof surfaces. Del-Val 301 is formulated using selected asphalts and is blended with high-quality aluminum pigments with refined solvents. This formula is non-destructive to asphalt-based roofing membranes and has great moisture and heat-resistant properties.

Non-destructive to asphalt-based roofing membranes and has great moisture and heat-resistant properties.

Where to Use Del-Val 301 Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum
BUR Systems

Quick Application Guide

ASTM Compliance


Type I

Coverage Rate

½–1 GAL

Per Square (Per Coat)


Del-Val 301 Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum is formulated for applications over new or existing metal, built up roofs, APP, SBS, smooth or granulated surfaces, cap sheet and flashings. DO NOT USE with EPDM, PVC, TPO or other single-ply membranes.


Prepare the roof surface by sweeping clean any dust, dirt or debris. Use a wire brush to remove and rust from metal. Roof surface must be oil-free and free of moisture both on and beneath the surface. Repair all holes, cracks, blisters, tears or breaks by spreading Del-Val 211 Flashing Cement over damaged area then embed United Asphalt Cotton or Fiberglass Fabric. Allow repairs to cure 60 days before coating.


Apply Del-Val 301 with a soft bristled brush, paint roller or heavy duty spray equipment. Product should be mechanically mixed before applying. Spread the product uniformly over the roof surface. Work the coating in one direction. Do not work coating excessively during application. Overworking the coating can have a damaging effect on the leafing of the aluminum. Do not apply if ambient temperature will drop below 32° F in a 24-hour period or dew will settle before coating is allowed to dry.


Apply at the rate of 0.5 to 1 gallon per 100 sq. ft.

Cleanup Del-Val 301 Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum Coating

Clean tools with Del-Val Orange Cleaner & Degreaser or mineral spirits, taking necessary precautions when handling combustible liquids.

Code Approvals / Compliance

This product meets or exceeds the requirements of ASTM D-2824 Type I.


Do not thin, heat container or store in an area where temperatures exceed 120°F. Do not apply if there is a threat of rain or due in 24 hours. Applying Del-Val 301 Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum directly over hot applied asphalt can result in alligatoring. Allow roof to cure thoroughly before coating.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the coverage rate?

The basic guidance for coverage is about 1/2 to 1 gallon per square (per coat). To make it easier to determine how much you will need for your job, we've put together a calculator tool.

What is the lowest temperature I can apply Del-Val 301 Silver Seal Non-Fibered Aluminum Coating?

The lowest temperature Del-Val 301 should be applied is 40°F.

Do not apply if ambient temperature will drop below 32°F in a 24-hour period.

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Del-Val 300 Silver Seal Fibered Aluminum Coating in 5 Gallon Pail

Del-Val 300

Silver Seal Fibered Aluminum

Product Information

Sizes Available

5 Gallon Capacity Pail
55 Gallon Capacity Drum

Tools Needed

Brush Tool Graphic
Roller Tool Graphic
Spray Tool Graphic


How Much Will You Need?

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*This calculator is provided as a guide. Do to variables of each project, we can not guarantee the calculated result is what will actually be needed for your specific project.

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Image of Del-Val 110 Fibered Roof Coating in 5 Gallon Pail
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