Identify Roof Problems

An oft overlooked element of property management should usually be the first priority; the roof. Every building has some type of roof designed specifically for the structure to at minimum protect it from the elements. If we start there, with the elements, we have the harmful ultra-violet (UV) rays of the sun, precipitation (rain, sleet, hail, snow) & wind. Not to mention other unexpected or less considered factors, foot traffic, tree branches, ponding water, bird droppings and the effects of time compounded with any of these.

Every roof has a lifespan and isn’t expected to last forever, but if we stay vigilant and learn the signs of roof damage, we can stay on top of repairs and prolong the lives our roofs. Once a roof ultimately reaching the end of its life, then we can discuss roof restoration systems.

Every roof has a lifespan and isn’t expected to last forever, but if we stay vigilant and learn the signs of roof damage, we can stay on top of repairs and prolong the lives our roofs.